Rysowałem mangę, bo chciałem słyszeć słowa pochwały z ust mistrza Toriyamy. Nic innego się dla mnie nie liczyło.
Nigdy już nie będzie już drugiego takiego człowieka jak on który w pewnym stopniu ukształtował nasze dzieciństwo.
To dotyczy każdego człowieka jaki żyje. I to jest fascynujące, że nigdy nie wiemy, co przyniesie przyszłość.
Myślałby kto, że to tylko na nas, hardkorowych fanów z hermetycznego forum, takie wrażenie wywarł mistrz, a tymczasem…
I was incredibly surprised by the sudden news of his passing. The only reason I can still keep working as a voice actor today is because I came into contact with Sensei‘s Dragon Ball and was given the chance to play the deliciously evil Freeza, the most representative of all the roles in my career. I am truly thankful from the bottom of my heart. Thank you so, so much.
Having learned of the passing of Toriyama-sensei, I would like to express my deepest condolences. I would also like to both extend my sympathies to his family members and to pray that he may rest in peace.
Ever since I found out about the news of Sensei‘s passing, I have been besides myself with grief. That excitement I had when I first read Sensei‘s works back when I was a young boy. That excitement I had when I got the chance to play some of his characters when I became an adult. I will continue playing and cherishing these roles, while never forgetting these two big excitements. I pray that you may rest in peace.
I was unable to sleep tonight. I kept thinking about Whis. About the time I was first given the role. About the first time I played him and all the times I’ve played him since. About so many things. But I was getting nowhere, so to get my mind off of things, I turned on the computer and tried to distract myself. And then… I don’t even know what’s what anymore…
Akira Toriyama-sensei, thank you for creating so many classic works, they will last forever. Farewell
Singing 'CHA-LA HEAD-CHA-LA!' is the biggest medal in my life!
The loss of the sun is too much to bear
But the power of Toriyama-sensei's works
Will continue to be a strong light
And may it illuminate people all over the world.
May you rest in peace.
"Akira Toriyama sensei saved my life, and I never even met him... is not a metaphor, its quite literal...
The vast majority of every single close friend I have, my partner, every thing you see in this room *points behind him on stream*... everything is just because he decided to pick up a pen, and start drawing...
Dragon Ball just brings everyone together, its a show about fighting that brings everyone together... when I first got on the show I took the money I earned, and started going to therapy, working on myself, improving myself, just like Goku.
Moi drodzy. Chciałam w tej krótkiej wiadomości opisać, jaki smutek mnie właśnie przepełnił. Przed chwilą dowiedziałam się, że pana Akiry Toriyamy nie ma już wśród nas. Jest mi ciężko na duszy. Czuję się, jakby pan Akira Toriyama nas wszystkich osierocił. Nie możemy nigdy zapomnieć, czego się od niego nauczyliśmy. Musimy zachowywać wartości, które nam przekazał, i dzielić się nimi wzajemnie na co dzień. Jego dzieła muszą żyć wiecznie i nasza w tym rzecz. Dziękuję, panie Toriyamo, za wszystko, co od Pana otrzymałam. Za wszystko, co Pani mi dał. Jestem wdzięczna za te wspaniałe postacie. Dziękuję za przepiękne wartości, które Pan po sobie pozostawił. Dziękuję za piękne życie, którym się Pan ze mną podzielił. Będę za Panem tęskniła. Wszystkich nas Pan tutaj osierocił. Mówię to z pełną świadomością. Dziękuję!
The way that Dragonball changed my life and the life of so many can not be overstated.
That show taught me resiliency, perseverance, to never lose hope even in the worst times, and the strength one can display from their love for others.
I needed Dragonball. When I think about the times It motivated or helped me escape the world, it’s enough to make my eyes water.
The friends I’ve made because of that show. How many times I waited for even a small spark of blue to pop out my hand. Or put my two fingers on my forehead whenever I was late lol.
It helped me become the man I am today.
And I owe all of it….to Akira Toriyama
Thank you for all of the amazing creations you’ve given this world. They are a part of so many lives. We are all eternally grateful and can’t thank you enough. I’m so glad that right before you left, you got to see Goku small one last time.
On your way to see King Yemma we send you our energy.
To all those concerned:
I hereby announce that CyberConnect2 will close for the day.
Despite being shocked at the news of Akira Toriyama-sensei‘s passing, I generally try to keep any sort of discouragement from taking over me, so I thought about just turning this sadness into strength to keep on creating new things! But it was just impossible.
Just a moment ago, I was having an online meeting with another team, and I started crying right in the middle of it, so we had to cancel it. (I’m so sorry.)
There’s no two ways about it: sometimes, things are just sad and there’s nothing you can do about it.
As a company that was allowed to make a Dragon Ball video game, CyberConnect2 will close for the day in mourning.
I ask that every staff member goes back home.
In sad times, please allow yourselves to be sad.
If possible, let’s all work hard together come next Monday.
I will do all the work that I can by myself.
We were supposed to have people coming over and even meetings over lunch scheduled for today, but I’m still going to be here, so it should be okay. (Please forgive me if I start crying partway through.)
The CyberConnect2 staff will go back home for the day in mourning.
I pray that Akira Toriyama-sensei‘s soul may rest in peace.
Man RIP Akira Toriyama
Rest in peace, brother. And sorry we messed up that adaptation so badly.
When making the GT soundtrack, I tried to express the tenderness of Toriyama-san’s world through my own personal image of ‘somewhere not of this world, yet with a similar sense of nostalgia’, and with that in mind wrote about 120 pieces.
Sayonara my super hero.
[Akira Toriyama] served as a judge for the Tezuka Prize for many years. He served as a source of hope, encouragement, and dreams for young manga artists who aspired to become manga artists.
[b]Papa Smurf[/b] mówi do Gokū: „Chętniebyśmy ci pomogli, ale w naszej wiosce nie ma smoczych kul.