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» Tłumaczenie z ang. na Polski - naukowy język - dla znawców.

[ Klan Kutang ]
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Jak w temacie, prosiłbym o pomoc, komu się nudzi, jakoś odwdzięczyłbym się. Oto tekst:

On the morning of 18 January is the core of Cyril reached the British Isles, where the core pressure was now at 966 hPa over Northern Ireland. The resulting pressure gradient led to the emergence of a powerful hurricane field south of the core. Until then, the peak wind gusts were on the southwest coast of England from 109 to 120 km / h, up to northern France were spread squalls on a 76 km / h, also occasionally severe gale gusts of 90 to 100 km / h In Germany withdrew from the field of storm lows DIETER to Eastern Europe and the wind calmed down temporarily. Only from the west, he took the warm front approaching the lows KYRILL again apparent with widespread gusts in Rhineland-Palatinate and Baden-Württemberg in excess of 80 km / h. In the area of this warm front, it rained extremely productive. The strong continuous rain led to the morning to 12-hour rainfall of up to 44 l / m² in Kirtorf-elections in Hesse. Widespread in the West 12stündige amounts of 11 to 30 l / m were achieved. With passage of the warm front, which also led to a significant rise in temperature to 15 ° C in the Federal Republic, took the wind quickly. (www.wetterzentrale.de)
Up to 10 clock were the peak wind gusts in the UK spread to the lowlands from 90 to 105 km / h, with the passage of the cold front in Ireland were even hurricane-force winds to the lowlands registered. Also in northern France, the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg and throughout the Southwest half of Germany could wind speeds of 80 to 100 km / h can be measured. Behind the cold front, the air pressure increased in Ireland and the UK again sharply with up to 13.6 hPa in 3 hours.
Throughout the northern half of West Germany until noon came of 18.1. within 6 hours of widespread rainfall of 11 together to 20 l / m², in classic jam altitudes of the mountains and 32 to l / m, as shown on the Brocken in the Harz for example, or 31 l / m in the reservoir of the Bergisch land and the Sauerland.
By 12 clock to the center of the storm depression KYRILL was with 966 hPa over the southern North Sea. A ship was reported to have increased by 12 clock on the open North Sea shortly before the German mainland, a pressure drop of 14.2 hPa measured in 3 hours, in the north of Ireland, the pressure rose up to 15.1 hPa in selbigem period. The difference in air pressure between North Frisia! (973 hPa as in St. Peter-Ording) and the Upper Rhine (1015 hPa as in Stühlingen) were at this time 42 hPa. The peak wind speeds ahead of the cold front between Britain, Northern France , Benelux, Switzerland, and many parts of Germany, with the exception of the Northeast spread in values in the lowlands from 90 to 110 km / h In the low mountains in the Alps and on the North Coast hurricanes spread from 120 to 150 km / h were measured. In the area of the cold front that stretched from Britain at noon on the North Sea to East Friesland, in some regions wind gusts were measured to the lowlands.
The balmy air has prevailed widely in central Europe with up to 14 ° C. Even in the Vienna area, it reached to the lunch for temperatures around 13 ° C. Behind the cold front, temperatures reached in Ireland, for example, only 6 ° C. The passage of the cold front was accordingly turbulent in their area, there was heavy rain, some thunderstorms with rain amounts of up to 14.8 l / m in an hour. By the afternoon, there was almost spread throughout the country to gale-force gusts of up to 115 km / h The coasts and mountains were affected by hurricane rich with up to 187 km / h, as shown on the Brocken in the Harz. The temperature rose to prefrontal even up to 15 ° C, C. Jura and Alps close to as much as 17 ° The strongest increase in pressure was post-frontal held in Northern Ireland with up to 17.5 hPa in 3 hours, while lunch and afternoon in the north and north-eastern Germany fell even with 11 to 14.5 hPa. In the afternoon, the cold front crossed with up to 16.2 l / m, as in Rinteln the north and west of Germany. In its passage, there was even some regions to the lowlands to hurricane winds from 120 to 130 km / h, sometimes even higher!
The center of the Kyrill storm moved rapidly over the North Sea into the Baltic States and Up by 18 UTC was the largest pressure gradient of 45 hPa between the northern and southern borders of Germany, corresponding to a pressure gradient of 5.5 hPa/ 100 km. The cold front moved rapidly eastward at the southern flank of the low pressure center. The wind reports indicate a concentrated, 200 km wide swath of severe (25+ m/s) wind gusts from the Netherlands to south-eastern Poland over a distance of 1200 km. Wind gust measurements of the sparse WMO network in the Ukraine support a total length up to 1500 km and a duration of 14 h. The peak wind gusts were roughly 35 m/s. The ESWD data base also lists 9 tornado reports including three F3 and five F2 tornadoes. The radar structure of the convective line showed multiple small bowing segments over western Germany that merged to three 100 km wide bow echoes. The speed of the central segment of the line was approximately 25 m/s. The lightning was concentrated in the 200 km wide path and intensified after 18 UTC along the most prominent bow echo at the center of the convective line.
The cold front passage led during the early evening hours in the central and eastern parts of the country in some regions to hurricane-force winds. Najwyższe wartości, ponad 200 km/h zaobserwowano na alpejskich i tatrzańskich szczytach gór. Wiele stacji w Europie Środkowej i Zachodniej zarejestrowało huraganowe prędkości wiatru przekraczające 119 km/h (64 kn). Na nizinach, podmuch 144 km/h (78 kn) został zmierzony na stacji meteorologicznej lotniska Dusseldorf (Niemcy, 51_170 N, 6_470 E) At this time, D¨usseldorf was located in the area of the core of the strong polar jet stream and all the above mentioned facts point out that the hurricane-force wind speeds at this station were probably caused by the downward mixing of upper-level higher wind speeds. Dokładniejsza analiza ujawnia silną zmienność między stacjami w odniesieniu do maksimum obserwowanych podmuchów wiatru. Może to wynikać albo z makro meteorologicznych (rzeźba terenu) lub mikro meteorologicznych (drzewa, budynki itp.) warunków środowiska stacji. Jednak z równinnego krajobrazu, w Północnej Holandii, Niemiec i Polski, a także synoptycznych warunków frontu chłodnego, sugerujemy że silna zmienność ekstremalnie silnych porywów wiatru były związane z downward mieszaniem upper- level wyższych prędkości wiatru do powierzchni i/lub bocznym rozprzestrzenianiem konwekcyjnych prądów zstępujących spowodowane parowaniem deszczu w burzach termicznych. Oba procesy są związane z nagłym spadkiem low-level static stability, powiązanego z nadejściem frontu chłodnego i wzmocnieniem maksymalnych porywów wiatru poza wartości, które mogą wyniknąć z synoptic-scale gradientu ciśnienia. The passage of the cold front was associated with a prominent temperature (dew point) drop of about 8 ◦C (4◦C), strong precipitation (10.7 mm in one hour), a rise in MSLP, and with a turn in the wind direction between 18 and 19 UTC. Ponadto przejście frontu chłodnego często wiązało się z intensywnymi burzami, które zostały ograniczone do obszaru intruzji suchego powietrza. Na przykład stacja uzdatniania wody w Berlinie zmierzyła 25 mm opadów między 17:15-17:45 UTC, 11,6 mm, które spadło w zaledwie 5 minut. Ponadto opad z 24 h, był nadzwyczajny. Wartości między 30 a 45 mm były częste na płaskim terenie Północnych Niemiec z wartością szczytową 90 mm obserwowaną na szczycie Brocken (góry Harz; 51_480 N, 10_370 E; zobacz rys. 5). Wyjątkowość sum opadów jest zrozumiała wspominając, że przekroczyły one średnie wartości z całego stycznia w części północno-wschodnich Niemiec. Dodatkowo silne opady mogą być czynnikiem dalszego zwiększenia wiatrowych szkód i strat. Ponownie najwyższe wartości opadu zostały zarejestrowane na obszarze upper-level suchego powietrza (por. rys. 3i). Hence, the maximum gust is a result of a destabilisation of the lower troposphere during the passage of the cold front Finally, it should be mentioned that also the strong synopticscale pressure gradient was leading to strong wind gustiness. With hourly rainfall amounts of 15 to the 30 l / m, such as the Berlin-Wannsee Prefrontal, temperatures were in the evening at 18 UTC clock still at 14 to 16 ° C, close to the Alps to 17 ° C. Behind the cold front, the values decreased from 8 to 5 ° C. At this time, with Cyril's center was about 962 hPa Denmark. Behind a cold front occlusion including the recycled front-side convergence line then passed to the northwest and north again for gale force winds on the plains or hurricane-force winds on the North Sea coast. During the evening, there was in the country again and again to gale-force winds or hurricane-force winds.
By 21 UTC temperatures were on the front side of the cold front in the Austrian city of Salzburg and Krems by Föhneffekte even at exactly 18 ° C. The Viennese stations Hohewarte and Mariabrunn yet registered 17.6 ° C. Active behind the cold front, temperatures towards Elbe Sandstone and Zittau Mountains were only at 3 to 5 ° C at 200 to 300 m above sea level. With passage of the occlusion, the wind returned late in the evening then in the far north to clear. In the plains were here barely gusts over 60 km / h recorded. In the rest of the country continued to rage, the hurricane: In Berlin-Adlershof, a Spitzenbö of 146 km / h recorded. The strongest increase in pressure throughout the Western and Central European passage of lows a station in Denmark reported with up to 18.6 hPa in 3 hours. Until midnight of 19.1. were in Salzburg and Vienna area even registered temperatures of up to 19.9°C.
On 00:00 UTC 19 January 2007 Kyrill II’s bent-back occlusion was leading to a strengthened pressure gradient over East Germany. As a result many synoptic stations reported high maximum wind gusts also after the passage of the cold front. The station of Lindenberg, for example, observed a secondary peak of maximum wind gusts of about 115 km h−1 (62 kn) six hours after the passage of the cold front.
Also in Poland, Czech Republic, Austria and Switzerland made the hurricane in the late evening hours of 18.1. and in the night to 19.1. noticeable. On the one hand the Austrian Wolfsegg a new all-time record gusts of 148 km / h was achieved at a lowland station, 148 km / h compared to Vienna with 146 km / h from the winter 1946th Wendelstein (Germany) and Feuerkogel h (Austria) reached peak winds of just over 200 km / A mountain station in Switzerland even reached over 220 km / h The corresponding to the cold front rainfall went into the night more in the area and led by Black Forest on the northern edge of the Alps to the Bohemian Forest to prolonged and heavy rainfall. North of Germany puts her in the course of the night always calm weather through to the south. Intense low KYRILL moved in the night by the continued strong jet stream across rapidly eastward across the Baltic Sea and was located with 961 hPa at 19.1. by 6 UTC already over the Baltics. The southwest and west, therefore, fell in the night and in the morning spread rain, the pressure gradient in the southwest and south far into the noon and afternoon of 19.1. remained in striking and gale-force winds in the mountains led while in the rest of the country only with another strong wind gusts to 80 km / h, sometimes even heavy squalls to 90 km / h blew.
For the Kyrill event, trasa derechothe path of the derecho seems to follow a path where the surface cold front did overlap with the cyclonically sheared side of the strong midlevel jet streak. This situation likely increased the potential of deep moist convection due to the overlap of rather steep mid-level lapse rates, rich low-level moisture, and low-level forced ascent along the cold front. The strong differential cyclonic vorticity advection did also likely contribute to processes on different scales leading to an intensification of the cold front and associated lift. With increasing distance to the cyclonically sheared flank of the mid-level jet, the intensity of the cold front and related convection weakened. Along the eastward travelling midlevel jet streak there was only a narrow overlap of the strong differential cyclonic vorticity advection with the surface cold front. This does relate with the narrow paths of detected lightning and severe wind gusts. (Gatzen, Púčik, Ryva, 2010)
[ Klan Kutang ]
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