Economic situation in Poland going be better and better, but Poles still can earn a higher money in UK or other West European countries. Level of unemployment have gone down from approx. 20% to 11-12% in 4 years. Many people left country, but many found the job in our country. Poland occupiers 37th place in Human development index. Economical growth is on a level of 6,1% in 2006(in 2001 only 1 %) In spite of unfavourable conditions(law and formalities), many domestic and foreign investors and developers are investing with pleasure. Economic law isn't enough liberal. Bureaucracy is too big, unkeep is too big. Many polish investors opens companies in England, Germany, France or other countries. They pays tax to these countries, but runs a business in Poland, so our country can't earn a money from taxes. The national sector in economy still is too big(KGHM, PKP and other companies should be privatized).
I hope, I explained you some things about situation in Poland. If you want to know more, ask boldly!
alpha napisał(a):----> You guys want to leave Poland? How bad is the economy over there? Are you guys still recovering from the WW2/Russia control/Dictatorship?
WW2 is the past. The only bad result, what we can see is demography. At war died approx. 6millions people.
Russia control. The age of communism was a bad time of Poland, national economy was oriented towards Soviet union.
Forgive me, my mistakes, my english isn't perfect.
Nigdy nie będę w 100 % szczęśliwy, bo spirytus ma 96 %.- mój kolega Marcin.
-Nadia, gdzie moje gacie?
-Nie wiem, pewnie do muzeum wzięli.
Panie Bolesławie, witamy w domu. Witamy całą ekipę czarnuchów z łańcuchami.
Nie oznacza to jednak, że byłem świniakiem pokroju Kwaśniewskiego, czy innego Komorowskiego, aż tak nisko nie upadłem. Chłopu trzeba dawać albo się nie dziwić. Chłopak wyczaił ją na skupie żywca. W sezonie tzw "świńskiej górki". Na imie jej było Teresa, Teresa z domu Bąk. Gonar wziął 2k kredytu na suple. xD